A67-Former SchoolA67-Fromer SchoolAdolphus PlaceAinsworth Hall RoadAinsworth RoadAldford GroveAllen StreetAlwent HallArkwright Street (Stop Me01)Arrowhill RoadAshcroft RoadAxwell View-East Park GardensAxwell View-Parkside AvenueAxwell View-Sports GroundBack Lane End - New Rd EndBack Lane-SchoolBack Lane-Twizell AvenueBaines AvenueBank TopBarmoor Lane-Main RoadBarmoor Lane-St Mary'S TerraceBarningham Lane EndBassingfield LaneBaydale FarmBaydale RoadBeastmarket Hill (Stop B3)Beaumond GardensBede RoadBeechfield RoadBeechfiled RoadBeechwood AvenueBelah Bridge InnBelvoir RoadBesses O'Th' Barn Metrolink (Stop H)Bishopdale CloseBlackford BridgeBlack HorseBlackpool Old RoadBlacksmiths ArmsBlackton CottageBlair WayBlaydon Bank-Alice StreetBlaydon Bank-Croftdale RoadBlaydon Bank-Lawrence CourtBlaydon Bus StationBlaydon West Primary SchoolBleach GreenBlind Lane-Newstead RoadBoldron Lane Hail And RideBolton RoadBooth StreetBorough AvenueBoundary RoadBowes Museum GateBowes RoadBradley DriveBradley Fold RoadBranch FootBreckon HillBreweryBridgeBridge StreetBrinkburn Cres-Burnside AveBrinkburn Cres-Leyburn GroveBrinkburn Cres-Moorsburn DrBrinkburn Cres-Newburn CresBrinkburn Cres-Station RdBroad Marsh Bus Station (Bay 1)Broken Scar Treatment WorksBrookwater CloseBrowns RoadBuckingham DriveBurnhall DriveBurnside Estate Blind LaneBurnthouses LaneBurton House Lane EndBus Interchange (Stand 1)Butterworth StreetBypassBypass Slip RoadByron TerraceCabin GateCalder CrescentCalifornia RowCanute StreetCarlbury HallCassell BankCastle DeneCastle Gate (Stop M5)Castlereagh Aged MinersCastle RoadCedar FoldCemeteryChapelford FarmChestnut GroveChurchChurch MeadowChurch StreetClassic Coaches Bus DepotClavering Road-Whickham BankClaydon DriveCleatlam Lane EndClockClock TowerClubClub - Watling RoadCockton Hill ClubC Of E Primary SchoolColeridge AvenueCollin Street (Stop C1)Community CentreConey Grey SpinneyConiston CrescentCo-Operative TerraceCottagesCouncil OfficesCoverleyCrawcrook Lane-Chester GardensCrawcrook Lane-Stannerford RoadCricket GroundCroftdale RoadCroft House FarmCroft LaneCroglin Castle ApartmentsCrosfieldsCross LanesCrossroadsCushy Cow LaneDalehome Lane EndDale TerraceDalton VillageDarlington CloseDarlington RoadDarlington Road-Hower HouseDeepdale GardensDene House LodgeDene House Road - North RoadDerwent AvenueDiamond InnDorner AvenueDunsmore AvenueDurham StreetDyson LaneEast Cliff RoadEast EndEast End BusEden GarageEden HallEdinburgh Drive
Egglestone LaneElectricity Sub-StationEmmanuel CollegeEndowed SchoolEnnerdale DriveEsk GardensEsperley Lane EndEsperley Lane EndsEtheldeneEugene Gardens (Stop Me03)Eugene Gardens (Stop Me08)Evenfield FarmEvenwood LaneEvenwood Lane EndFarmFarrers ArmsFire StationFire Station CottageFosse WayFox And HoundsFox RoadFrenchgateFriary GardensFront StreetFront Street- Dockendale LaneFront Street Fence HousesFront Street-Lambton LaneFront Street - Rectory LaneFront Street - School StreetFront Street - Sedgeletch RoadFront Street-Station Avenue NorthFront Street-Station Avenue SouthGalgate - Commercial HotelGalgate - Stand AGalgate - Stand BGamston LockGarden HouseGarven Place Alighting OnlyGateGate LaneGateshead InterchangeGayles VillageGayles Village CentreGeneral HospitalGeneral StoreGeorge And DragonGillas Lane-Copt HillGillas Lane-Golf CourseGillas Lane-Salters LaneGillas Lane-Warden LawGill CrescentGilling RoadGill Lane Hail And RideGlaxo - For Sports CentreGlebe ParkGolf Club - BridgeGolf CourseGrasmere GroveGrays CourtGreat North RoadGreengateGreen LaneGreenmount RoadGrewburn LaneGrewburn Lane EndHalfway GarageHall Lane EstateHamletHarmire RoadHartford RoadHartforth LaneHawswater HouseHawton Lane EndHazel Road-Elm RoadHazel Road-Linden RoadHealth CentreHeaton Park Metrolink (Stop D)Heddon View-TynebankHeworth InterchangeHexham Old Road-CemeteryHexham Old Road-Clifton CloseHexham Old Road-Holly Bush VillasHexham RoadHeywood Road (Stop D)High Hope Street EndHigh Lands TerraceHigh StreetHilton Road EndHindburn CloseHole In The Wall EstateHollin CrescentHolly AvenueHollymoor Lane EndHolme HouseHood LaneHorsemarketHotelHoughton Le SpringHoughton-Le-SpringHunderthwaite Road EndInterchangeIvy RoadJubilee CottagesKenmore WayKensington DriveKenyon LaneKing Edward Road-Tyne GardensKing Edward Road-War MemorialKingsdale MereKingsdale RoadKinoulton RoadKirk InnLaburnum GroveLake RoadLambton Arms PhLammas Gardens (Stop Me02)Lammas Gardens (Stop Me09)Lancaster TerraceLands RoadLands Road EndLane EndLane HeadLangar RoadLangleydale CommonLarchfield HouseLegh Street (Stop Ae)LidlLime GroveLinden AvenueLingley Green AvenueLitchfield TerraceLockhaugh Road-Cowen TerraceLockhaugh Road-Derwent ParkLockhaugh Road-FarmLockhaugh Road-Hollin Hill LaneLomond DriveLong LaneLonton South FarmLord NelsonLord StreetLow Parkall FarmMabel GroveMain RoadMain Road-Barmoor LaneMain Road-Barmoor TerraceMain Road-Blackhouse LaneMain Road LaybyMain Road-Social ClubMain Road - Whitewell Lane
Main StreetMain Street-EmmavilleMain Street - Kepier ChareMansion HeightsMarket PlaceMarsh LaneMarwood ViewMasonic HallMaude TerraceMelton DriveMemorial HallMiddle GreenMiddleton RoadMill Inn - Station RoadMill Inn - Stockton RoadMilton Road-Chaucer RoadMontgomery WayMoorbridge RoadMoor LaneMotorway Service StationMount PleasantMount RoadMount Zion RoadMundle AvenueNational Express Coach FacilityNewark Bus Station (Bay A)Newcastle Coach StationNewgateNewgate St Methodist ChNewgate Street - Medical CentreNewgate Street Stand CNewlands JunctionNew Strangford RoadNew Tempest Road - York HouseNoel AvenueNorthdene AvenueNorthlea RoadNorth LodgeNorth Railway StreetNorth StreetNorth View-Laburnum GroveNorth View-Milton RoadNorth West Fire & Control CentreNorwood CrescentNottingham Railway Station (Stop S4)Nottingham Railway Station (Stop S6)Nottingham RoadNuttall SquareOak GardensOak LaneOld School HouseOrange Hill RoadOrion BoulevardParkPark AvenueParkhead EstateParkland TerracePark Lane-Buttermere CresPark Lane-Parkgate LanePayne ClosePennine HotelPenson GardensPitt StreetPolefield Hall RoadPolice StationPolish CemeteryPost BoxPost OfficePost Office Sorting CentrePost Office - The RoyalPottergatePowell StreetPrestfield RoadPrimary SchoolPrinces StreetPriory RoadProspect PlaceQueens RoadRaby SawmillsRadcliffe Metrolink (Stop B)Radcliffe RoadRail StationRailway CottagesRailway Station BusRavensworth CourtRavensworth GreenRectory CloseRed LionRegatta WayRichmond SchoolRiding HillRiverside Cricket GroundRiverside RoadRoad EndRoberts SquareRobert StreetRock Villa Road EndRoddymoor Road EndRopery Lane Rc SchoolRopery Lane RoundaboutRow Foot Road EndRoyal GeorgeRoyal StarRuskin RoadRyehill Street (Stop Me04)Ryehill Street (Stop Me07)Ryton VillageSandbachSankey ForumSchool HouseScorers Lane EndScotland Head-BirchgateScotland Head-Park LaneScotland Head-Stephenson WayScotland Head-St Pauls ChurchScotland Head-West LaneScotland Lane EndSeaham Road-Earsdon RoadSeaham Road-Gillas LaneSeaham Road-Market PlaceSeaton CrescentSeaton Lane InnSeddon AvenueSedgeletch Road-Abbey DriveSedgeletch Road-Avenue VivianSedgeletch Road - Front StreetSedgeletch Road-Industrial EstateService StationSevenacresSharpley Hall FarmShaw BankSherburn Tower EstateSherburn Tower Estate- LilleycroftSherburn Tower Estate-LilleycroftSherburn Tower Estate-Snipes DeneSherburn Towersestate-Snipes DeneShibdon Bank-Hazel RoadShibdon Bank-Lime StreetShibdon RoadShibdon Road-Axwell ParkShibdon Road-East ViewShibdon Road-Swalwell RoundaboutShopSibcy LaneSir Ed Walker HomesSmith StreetSnow HallSophia StreetSouth Burns Stand M
Southwood CrescentSpa RoadSpen FoldSports And Social ClubStaindrop Road EndStanley GroveStannerford RoadStannerford Road-Crawcrook LaneStannerford Road-FarmStanway RoadStaple LaneStargate LaneStargate Lane-King Edward RoadStargate Lane-Main RoadStargate Lane-Middle RowStarling Road (Stop D)Starnhill WayStationStation RdStation Road - The GroveSt Catherines ChurchSt Edwin'S ChurchSt Edwin'S CloseStella Bank-RunheadStella Road-Hedgefield AvenueStella Road-Hedgefield TerraceStella Road-High HedgefieldStella Road-Stella Hall DriveStella Road-Stella StreetSt Gregorys SchoolSt Helens ChurchSt Mary Magdalen SchoolSt Monica'S High SchoolStopes RoadStoreStotley HallSt Stephen'S ChurchStubb House HotelSunningdale AvenueSunnywood DriveSuperstoreSutton StreetSyke FootSykes AvenueTansy BankTeesdale School Bus ParkTelephone KioskTemperance TerraceThe BankThe BanksThe Black SwanThe BluebellThe BoulevardThe CloseThe CrossThe CrownThe EdgeThe Fat Lamb InnThe Fox HoleThe GreenThe HillThe IviesThe Lamb InnThe MaltingsThe MaltstersThe PaddocksThe Post OfficeThe Sills Hail And RideThe Slack - BridgeThe WoodwardsThornley Lane-Glamis CrescentThornley Lane-HollinhillThorp AcademyTithby RoadToby Hill LeTodd Carr RdTop O'Th' CarrsTottington High SchoolTown EndTown HallTown Hall (Stand M)Town Pasture LaneTrade ParkTrent BoulevardTrevelyan RoadTurf StreetTurning CircleTyne StreetUllswater CrescentUlnaby LaneUnited UtilitiesUnsworth Medical CentreValley ViewVane Terrace - CastlereaghVicarage - Station RoadViceroy StreetVictoria Embankment (Stop Me05)Victoria Embankment (Stop Me06)VillageVillage HallVillage WayVillage WestWalker AvenueWar MemorialWar Memorial - Bingo HallWarrington Bank Quay StationWarrington West Railway StationWashington Galleries Bus StationWatling Road - Aclet HotelWatling Road - BakeryWatling Road - Lime GroveWatling StreetWellfield Close (Stop B)WellgarthWensleydale CloseWest EndWest End TerraceWest End - Turning CircleWestfieldWest ViewWhashton GreenWhashton Green Lane EndWheatsheafWhickham Highway-Coniston AvenueWhickham Highway-Knightside GardensWhickham Highway-The HighwaymanWhistle CragWhite Gates HoWhite Hart (Stop Ab)Whitewell LaneWhittle AvenueWildernessWinchilsea AvenueWindsor TerraceWindy HarbourWindy Harbour CrossroadsWinlaton Bus StationWinston RoadWithins StreetWoodburn DriveWoodburn LodgeWoodlea CourtWorking Mens ClubWorkmens ClubWylam ViewWyre Vale ParkYouth Hostel
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